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Why Choose US?

Our competencies


We can draw on more than 20 years experience in real estate development and executive management of development companies.


Sharp Insights

We have the unique ability to look beyond the obvious, providing you with the insights you need to take informed decisions.


Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors

Our valuations and services are <br>fully compliant with the high standards of the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors .


We will tell you what the most profitable solution is, but we will also inform you on the outcome for the planet and the people.


We have developed multiple mixed use real estate projects and we have supported many clients to optimise their development processes.


Contact any of our clients and they will tell you about the professional approach and the added value that we are providing.

Strategic Real Estate Services

We deliver the strategies that add value to your real estate development business and to your shareholders.


Lighthouse advises clients on how they can develop a real estate estate in line with the overall business strategy.  We analyse the market and gather relevant data on the environment that your company is operating in. We support the shareholder and the board to determine which value creating activities the company should perform and how long term sustainable development goals can be reached.
We identify the competitive advantages and determine how they can be sustained or leveraged to develop new products or tap into new markets. Together with the leadership team we draw the strategic roadmap to reach those goals and the key performance indicators that will help them to monitor progress.  When the plan comes into action, we coach the managers to understand and embrace the necessary changes, so they can lead their people towards a joint success.
At the portfolio level, we analyse risks, returns and lead times to determine which projects are adding value and which ones are better disposed of.
At the functional level, we involve the employees to find ways to maximise operational efficiency en quality of the units delivered and we aim to improve customer responsiveness and foster innovation.  

The services we provide include:
- Market Analysis
- Determining the Strategic Roadmap and KPI's
- Real Estate Portfolio Optimisation
- Development Process Optimisation
- Disposal of Surplus Proporties

Portfolio Management & Feasibility Studies

For future developments we identify the risks and calculate the right acquisition price using our own valuation model.


Lighthouse advises clients on how they can improve the composition of their real estate portfolio.  We analyse the location of each existing or future asset, the local market conditions and the future outlook of rent, risk and associated costs.  Subsequently, each asset is evaluated with respect to its value contribution properties to the overall portfolio and required optimisation action is determined.

uses the same tools to make feasibility studies on individual assets. With 20 years experience on market analysis and real estate development, we use our own in house developed feasibility tool to assess the risk and return of each project. We analyse the sensitivity of the main input parameters and are able to test a number of financial scenarios or design options to provide you with a sharp insight in what the highest and best use could be.

The services we provide include:
- Periodic Portfolio Review
- Property Selection & Recommendation
- Supervision of Property Managers and Letting/Sales Missions
- Presentation of Investment Proposals
- Portfolio Performance Benchmarking
- Risk Management
- Business and Retail Park Management

Investment Advisory & Support

With more than 20 years of experience in real estate development we can assist you in making the right acquisitions<br> and provide up front insights in the associated risks.


Lighthouse advises clients on the market value, market rent, investment value or fair value of the assets that they want to acquire or dispose of. We analyse the location of each existing or future asset, the local market conditions, look at market comparables, the future outlook of rent, development risks and associated costs.  Finally, we apply a sales comparison, cost approach or income approach, or a combination of these, to make the value appraisal.

Before acquiring any property, it is always a good idea to be cautious and well informed. Lighthouse can assist you with a complete Building Survey, a full analysis of the property,  or a Homebuyer Report, with the points that are relevant to assess the acquisition opportunity.

The services we provide include:
- Land valuation
- Property valuation
- Due Diligence
- Risk Assessment
- Real Eastate Expertise

Sustainable Design & Development

We support the sustainable design and development of new neighbourhoods.
We create strong project identities by analysing the local neighbourhood to make sure that the project fits right in.


Lighthouse supports the sustainable design and development of new neighbourhoods. We create strong project identities by analysing the local neighbourhood  to make sure that the project fits right in. Elements such as walkability, proximity of amenities and services and connectivity to transit oriented networks are what it is all about.

At an early stage of the project Lighthouse can be of assistance to calculate the feasibility of development alternatives, clearly stating benefits and risks for the private as well as for the public partner. Once the project definition has been established, we apply a sustainability metric to track progress and to make sure that the ambition translates into reality.
Lighthouse has experience with most sustainability metrics. One particular area of expertise is brownfield development. These projects often involve assessment of the clean-up costs, masterplan optimisation, the preservation of existing heritage buildings, site redevelopment and establishment of a new project identity.

The services we provide include:
-Identification of Neighbourhood Characteristics
- Sustainability Screening
- Masterplan Optimisation
- Feasibility Analysis of Development Alternatives
- Brownfield Development Assistance
- Unit Layout Optimisation
- Integration of Public Functions
- Set-up and management of Energy Service Cooperations

Managing projects and partnerships

We manage complex urban development projects and foster two way project communication and participation.


Lighthouse takes an active role in the development and construction process by providing professional, experienced and timely management skills to assure a development result. We ensure the smooth integration of the input of architects, engineers, safety coordinators, interior consultants and sales people in the design and manage the entire process so everyone involved knows exactly what to do by when.
Creating buy-in by various stakeholders has become increasingly important to prepare the neighbourhood for the changes that a real estate project may cause. Lighthouse analyses the various stakeholders that will be affected by the project, the opportunities to engage and we select the most appropriate engagement channels. Depending on the ambition level of the participation and the goals to be achieved, we set up the logistics for the interaction and determine the rules of engagement. While conducting the engagement, we ensure that every stakeholder contributes equitably, that tensions are mitigated and that the focus remains on the goals to be achieved.

The services we provide include:
- Draft Information Leaflets
- Organise Project Information Sessions with Q&A
- Execute Neighbourhood Surveys
- Manage Co-creation Sessions
- Organise Integrated Design Meetings



Groen Kwartier

The former military hospital was renovated into a unique sustainable urban project.
It provides a wide variety of about 400 residential units, a restaurant, hotel, offices and co-working space. The site of 7,7 ha is car-free, thus adding to the quality of life.


The former school for teachers will be transformed to a balanced project with ample public space, 140 residential units, including a co-working space and co-housing units in the convent that is part of this historical site.


Quartier Bleu is a mixed use project with more than 400 residential units, 25.800 sqm of retail space and 2.335 parking spaces. Heating and cooling is provided by a cold heat storage network of 2,6 MW, saving 747 tonnes of CO2 per year.

Yvon Chouinard

"How you climb a mountain is more important than reaching the top."